Injection Therapy

We offer Injection Therapy for targeted relief. Our Steroid Injections alleviate inflammation and manage pain, enhancing mobility. Hyaluronic Acid Injections provide advanced joint lubrication, reducing pain and promoting long-term function.

Steroid Injections:

Steroid injections have a longstanding history as a swift and efficient treatment for various soft tissue conditions and joint-related pain and inflammation. Administered directly to the affected area, they work by reducing inflammation. Steroid injections are often suggested for individuals with painful conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis. They help reduce inflammation, alleviate joint swelling and pain, enhancing joint mobility and function. The affected joint or soft tissue is injected with a small volume of steroid, which locally reduces inflammation. Occasionally, a local anesthetic may be used for immediate, temporary pain relief.

Two primary corticosteroids used in the UK are Depomedrone and Kenalog. Both effectively control pain and swelling, typically staying in the body for 3-4 weeks before being eliminated by the kidneys. Local anesthetics provide quick pain relief, while the steroid effect may take 1-2 days to a week. The overall duration of relief from steroid injections is usually up to 6 months, promoting an anti-inflammatory response to aid rehabilitation. The injection is performed during a clinic visit, often quick and easy. It is accompanied by a personalised assessment and rehabilitation program for optimal recovery.

     Hyaluronic injection:

Articular cartilage, a smooth layer covering the internal surface of joints, facilitates friction-free motion and shields underlying bone surfaces. Surrounding joints is a capsule, with the synovial membrane at its core secreting synovial fluid—a lubricant crucial for joint function. Rich in hyaluronan receptor cells, both the synovial membrane and articular cartilage bind to hyaluronic acid, contributing to lubrication and shock absorption. The viscoelastic properties of hyaluronic acid directly impact joint lubrication, and reduced viscoelasticity increases susceptibility to articular cartilage damage and, consequently, osteoarthritis onset.

Injectable hyaluronic acid replicates this natural substance, with research indicating its efficacy in supplementing osteoarthritic joints. Hyaluronic acid injections enhance shock absorption, joint lubrication, protect articular cartilage, stimulate the production of protective proteins, and promote subchondral bone growth. The benefits, including long-term pain relief and increased joint function, can last up to a year, with the option of safe six-monthly use. Research affirms the safety of hyaluronic acid, highlighting minimal side effects. Hyaluronic acid injections offer lasting benefits, typically taking 2 to 5 weeks to manifest. Overall, hyaluronic acid emerges as a safe and effective solution for addressing joint health, with the potential to alleviate pain, enhance joint function, and contribute to long-term joint well-being.

What is best for me, a corticosteroid or a hyaluronic acid injection?

Choosing between a corticosteroid and hyaluronic acid injection depends on your specific situation. If you're dealing with significant joint pain, swelling, or non-joint related pain, a corticosteroid injection may be the best choice for its fast-acting pain relief.

On the other hand, if you have a confirmed diagnosis of osteoarthritis and are facing challenges in your daily activities, hyaluronic acid injections are recommended. These injections aim to maintain optimal joint function for a longer period.

For patients experiencing flare-ups of pain from an osteoarthritic joint, a combination of corticosteroid and hyaluronic acid injections can provide both pain relief and joint preservation.

We will guide you to the most suitable injection based on your individual needs and diagnosis.